Free Training Opportunity
See the poster for further information on this free training course. When: 17th October 9:30am-1:30pm. Where: Chell Heath Residents Association, Chell Heath Road. Contact to book your place: or 01782 958100
Recognise and Respond Course
There's a Recognise and Respond course running at St Michael's on 19th September - see the poster below for more information.
Could you be a PANTS champion?
Together for Childhood is looking for people to help keep children safe from abuse by promoting the PANTS campaign. ‘PANTS Champions’ help to run workshops for groups and organisations across the area, to teach them [...]
Proposed Community Growing Field Project
Two years ago the Fegg Hayes Residents Association originally explored the possibility of setting up a growing field project at a location on Oxford Road in Fegg Hayes, by the existing allotment site. It will [...]
Together for Childhood logo concepts
We've had the design concepts through for Together for Childhood, click through here to our Facebook page and add a comment or 'Like' to your favourite:
Skate park update
Proposed Skateboard Facility in Monks Neil Park, Chell Heath. We are at last making some tentative progress with the Skateboard facility construction. The Stoke on Trent City Council Landscape team are currently writing a Chief Officer [...]