Free Training Opportunity
See the poster for further information on this free training course. When: 17th October 9:30am-1:30pm. Where: Chell Heath Residents Association, Chell Heath Road. Contact to book your place: or 01782 958100
Recognise and Respond Course
There's a Recognise and Respond course running at St Michael's on 19th September - see the poster below for more information.
Could you be a PANTS champion?
Together for Childhood is looking for people to help keep children safe from abuse by promoting the PANTS campaign. ‘PANTS Champions’ help to run workshops for groups and organisations across the area, to teach them about the PANTS campaign and how they can help protect children. There are already several PANTS champions in the Big [...]
Together for Childhood logo concepts
We've had the design concepts through for Together for Childhood, click through here to our Facebook page and add a comment or 'Like' to your favourite:
Branding Project for Together for Childhood
A group of volunteers, representatives from the NSPCC and a graphic designer sat down to brain storm some ideas to give the Stoke North Big Local #SNBL Families Together project it's own branding and logo. Look out for the design options soon.
Together for Childhood Project Launches
Good luck to Port Vale today against Bury. It’s a week since Pantosaurus visited Vale Park at the weekend with some friends to promote our innovative Together for Childhood project that's working to help prevent child abuse. Despite the result he had a great day out teaching children about PANTS and what they can do to stay [...]
Together for Childhood FAQs
FAQs What is Together for Childhood? Together for Childhood is a new project bringing people together to prevent child sexual abuse. We want to stop abuse before it starts. We aim to provide help and support for children and their families at the earliest possible stage, in the community, to prevent sexual abuse from happening. [...]
What is Together for Childhood?
Key Messages Together for Childhood brings the communities in Chell, Chell Heath and Fegg Hayes with local groups and organisations across Stoke-on-Trent, together to prevent child sexual abuse. Chell, Chell Heath and Fegg Hayes were chosen as there is already a strong and thriving network of community groups carrying out important work. We know [...]