SNBL Whitley Bay Trip
On February 16th the Stoke North Big Local Partnership took a trip to the Whitley Bay Big Local to communicate about each others projects, communities and the Whitley Bay tourist attractions! For the full story click here.
On February 16th the Stoke North Big Local Partnership took a trip to the Whitley Bay Big Local to communicate about each others projects, communities and the Whitley Bay tourist attractions! For the full story click here.
This is the best place to go for Advice on Benefits during the Coronavirus period. It contains for New JSA, Universal Credit and others benefit. Also advice for Self Employed. Benefits-and-Coronavirus-Sickness
Below is a link to the latest news published for all groups of people from the nhs. Coronavirus Latest News
As you may beware we have joined together as a community support team, to make sure we are help those in need. General contact numbers for assistance. Becky, Chell Parish Churches 07411 151 819 Helen, Fegg hayes Futures (The Hub) 01782 761 134 Sue, Fegg Hayes Residents Association 07522 33 66 92 Jim, Chell Heath [...]
Members of our local community groups have been making poppies during the last few weeks. They are shown here assembling the final design for the Bevin Boys Wreath and the completed wreath ready to be taken to the Bevin Boys Memorial at Chatterley Whitfield. The group will take the Wreath to the memorial on Friday [...]
STOKE NORTH BIG LOCAL AGM When: Wednesday, 23 October 2019 Where: Chell Heath Residents Association 461 Chell Heath Road When: From 1.00pm to 3.00pm Buffet and Refreshments from 12.00 Please Click on Poster to view the Detail